Concept Marketing Albania
The Latest Marketing Trends For 2020

The Latest Marketing Trends For 2020

Marketing is one of the most important topics today. Over the last decade there has been an increase in interest and also the introduction of new innovative approaches in this direction.

While you may be preparing your 2020 marketing plan for your business, you should be happy that new trends this year tend to move toward content, messages, and purpose. Various businesses around the world have dedicated special teams to this trend, orienting their businesses towards gradual growth. Again, there is a lot of work to be done to maximize customer needs. To meet this need, businesses are investing large sums of money in so-called content marketing. But what are these trends that should take your interest and what are the ones you need for the success of your business?

In this article we will share with you, the 5 best marketing trends that will shape your business in 2020.

Trend # 1: Creating content as if it were a media company.

In a sea of ​​information and content, how should you be distinguished from others? One way is to create interesting content of a high quality. If you are looking to diversify and create multiple ways for people to interact with your business, this is the right way to go. In 2020, any company can be a media company. To concretize what we mentioned above, we can give the example of Webflow, a service that allows you to create high-quality functional Websites without having to encode. Web site builders are everywhere. Examples are Squarespace, Wix, WordPress and many more. But what is the difference between Webflow and making it more special than others?

They create content like being a media company. Below we will mention some of the strategies that Webflow is using:

1. They have built the Webflow School which focuses on educating people about the basics of creating a Website and how they can do this using Webflow.

2. They have used tools such as e-books, blogs and video tutorials to attract people’s interest.

3. Support young people who bring new ideas, making them part of their team and making them representatives of their brand.

4. They often do live sections and various events in the service of the content they want to broadcast.

5. They do not try to use influencers, but increase the number of people in their team who convey a certain message.

6. Create videos and video courses – such as the Web design course, independent to educate and guide the purchase of new users.

For whatever content they create, they make sure to do so using their tools by introducing the elements: high quality, sticky for the reader, and well thought out.

Other examples of other companies that are using this trend are Hubspot, Canva and Lowe’s Home Improvement. The year 2020 will introduce us to many companies that will adapt to this trend and will also become superpower examples of content marketing.

Trend # 2: Restoring content personalization

The trend of content personalization is not new. Throughout 2018 and 2019, personalizing content was a key hot word. Companies spent a lot of time understanding the benefits of personalizing content and overcoming the challenges associated with it.

For example, one of the biggest challenges posed by many companies was the lack of technology to personalize content or the lack of resources to do so. Since then, many things have improved.

The benefits are clearly defined and the technology is advanced enough to automate part of the process. Today, there are email marketing services like Mailchimp that allow you to execute advanced automation in your email marketing list, based on purchase behavior, order value, and a host of personalized parameters. You want to reward your customers for a certain achievement in the last 3 months? You have the technology to do it.

In 2020 when companies – even the smallest B2Cs – will start looking at data as a key part of their content personalization strategy. One of the other factors that will drive this trend is the idea of ​​creating personalization. Data intimacy is of paramount importance and companies that are able to use it for their business will gain in the long run.

Finally we can say that the time of personalization has come.

Trend # 3: Repeating the goal.

Since 2018, there have been numerous blog posts that broadcast content on certain topics. A year later, there was a decline in this trend, but apparently in 2020 we will have a return to this trend but to transform into new, more creative ways.

Many emerging platforms (like TikTok) have gained a lot of importance in recent years. Moreover, existing ones (such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram) have introduced great new ones for how people interact with content on their platform and this also makes them lead social media trends for 2020. Repetition of Content , in this case, it becomes extremely important.

Companies are using all forms of content in a permanent model, where they prove the original content on their social media, podcasts, blogs, guides and many other forms of creative representation. We recommend that you check out Gary Vee’s content model – built by Vayner Media CEO and social influencer Gary Vaynerchuk. Repeating the content of your goal will also help your business diversify and become much more comprehensive. It will also help you focus on the maximum value of one topic before jumping into another.

This is a trend that will make or break your content marketing strategy in 2020. Don’t miss it.

Trend # 4: From useless statistics to revenue generation.

One of the marketing challenges in recent years has been to prove its value especially in the perspective of growing a business. Content marketing professionals were often asked, “What is the value of this blog?” “How is this video helping in the end?” Many of these questions also stem from the introduction of a group of vain arguments that do not have a direct link to the goals of businesses. For example, while the number of followers on Facebook seems to be growing, it may not be the right way to track if you don’t get any results from it. Fascination with vain ways is understandable. They are easier to follow and are often enjoyable to report. But not everything that moves is movement. So shifting from revenue-generating methods becomes the most ideal way for content marketing teams to function.

You should try to create content that has measurable value and works at the same time with your business goals for the year.

One point to note is that the difference on a case-by-case basis is also significant. For example, for some businesses, traffic to the Website would be a waste of time if their focus is on direct sales. On the other hand, it would be a way to increase revenue for business driven by impressions.

In 2020, content marketing teams will establish a link of figures to business goals. Businesses are willing to have better and more sophisticated views of their content marketing efforts and the year 2020 will give them the impetus to move away from useless statistics and restore the functioning of even the best ways. for income measurements.

Trendi # 5: Përmbajtja bëhet punë e gjithkujt

Ne kemi parë efektivitetin e UGC ose përmbajtjes së krijuar nga përdoruesi në rritjen e vlerës së një marke. Në fakt, një studim i Stackla zbuloi se 90% e konsumatorëve thonë se origjinaliteti është i rëndësishëm kur vendosni se cilat marka ju pëlqejnë dhe mbështesni.

Në vitin 2020, UGC do të marrë një formë tjetër, por kësaj radhe, do të jetë shumë më e brendshme nga natyra. Ndërsa gjithnjë e më shumë kompani marrin mandatin për të rritur prodhimin e tyre të përmbajtjes, ne do të shohim që shumë prej tyre krijojnë procese të brendshme rreth fuqizimit të punonjësve të tyre për të krijuar, rikrijuar dhe shkëmbyer përmbajtje. Merrni shembullin e LinkedIn si kompani. Ai fuqizon shumë nga punonjësit e saj të krijojnë markat e tyre personale të cilët pastaj diskutojnë mbi lajmet e kompanisë, ndajnë fitoret e tyre dhe diskutojnë strategjitë për sukses në platformë.

Një biznes tjetër që po merr parasysh këtë strategji është shkolla Lambda. Nëse jeni në Twitter dhe ndiqni rrethin fillestar, ekziston një shans i mirë që të keni hasur në dikë që vlerëson shkollën Lambda. Ju gjithashtu mund të keni lexuar tweet nga studentët duke folur pse nuk ia vlen. Cilëndo anë të keni parë, dikush që është atje ose ka qenë atje duke krijuar një pjesë të përmbajtjes në çfarëdo forme, ofron një bazë të fortë për vendimmarrje më të shpejtë. Në përgjithësi, kjo formë e UGC është mjaft e dobishme. Zëdhënësi është një ekspert, e kupton se çfarë funksionon dhe çfarë nuk bën, dhe sjell origjinalitetin në tryezë. Në vitin 2020, do të shohim kompani që e miratojnë këtë në një shkallë më të madhe – duke shtyrë kufijtë e krijimit dhe shpërndarjes së përmbajtjes përtej zakonshme.

Marketingu i përmbajtjes do të vazhdojë të shohë një ngritje meteorike, ndërsa përmbajtja, në përgjithësi, do të bëhet më e personalizuar, e drejtuar nga të dhënat dhe autentika.Kompanitë do të vazhdojnë të investojnë në teknika të moshës së re si kërkimi i zërit, që do të hapin një botë mundësish pasi miratimi arrin një pikë marrëse. 10 vitet e fundit kishin të bënin me krijimin e bazës së marketingut të përmbajtjes. Duket që 10 vitet e ardhshme do të jenë të gjitha në lidhje me ndikimin e tij.  Gati për të fituar në marketing përmbajtje në vitin 2020?

Remember these key facts:

Content personalization and reprinting will become hot topics in 2020 and will make a strong comeback in content retailer strategies. Businesses will begin to treat themselves as a media company and will open up numerous (and frequent) contact points for communications with users. Content will become everyone’s business and businesses will push the boundaries of creating and distributing content as usual.